Bine de știut
- Fees and commissions
- Data Protection
- Data Protection
- ANAF Protocol
- General business conditions
- Interest rates for saving products
- Deposits guarantee - FGDB
- Internet Banking and mToken user manual
- Open Banking
- Recommendations for safe banking
- Accounts mobility
- Your rights when making payments in Europe
- Data update
Data update
Update of the Personal Data
In accordance with the provisions of the Regulation of the National Bank of Romania 2/2019 on preventing and combating money laundering and terrorist financing, it is necessary to regularly and continuously update the documents, information and identification data of natural and legal person customers and legal representatives or legal entities' proxies.
Therefore, if changes have occurred in the data declared to the bank at the time of the initiation of the business relationship, please come as soon as possible to the nearest Intesa Sanpaolo Bank territorial unit or at least once a year to update the data.