• No Suggestions Result
big happy family big happy family

Intesa Sanpaolo Group is extending

Our Parent Group is extending its present in Romania by acquiring First Bank

mortgage mortgage

Mortgage loan with fix interest rate on the first 3 years 5.49%

See our mortgage offer!

couple personal needs loan couple personal needs loan

Personal loan or refinancing with fixed interest from 7.77%

Small or big projects?

digital mobile digital mobile

Digital Mobile Banking

Open an online account too! It takes minutes, directly from the app!

unsecure loan unsecure loan

Unsecured credit for microenterprises

term deposit

You can open a deposit in RON/EUR/USD directly from your Digical App

Interest up to 6.00% on term deposits in LEI and up to 3.50% on term deposits in EUR

Visa campaign

This summer, we're whet your appetite for fun with great offers!

For every restaurant payment abroad made with your Intesa Sanpaolo Bank Visa card, you get 5% cashback. More details in the campaign rules on visa.ro

Our products and services

Currency exchange calculator

Currency exchange is available through Internet Banking and at the counter, only between accounts opened with ISPRO.

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Începând cu data de 15.07.2024, depozitele la termen standard în LEI, constituite prin intermediul serviciului de Internet Banking I-B@nk, nu vor mai beneficia de bonusul de dobândă de 0.25%.

Astfel, din data de 15.07.2024:
•    noile depozite la termen standard în LEI,  care se vor constitui prin I-B@nk vor beneficia de dobândă standard valabilă la data constituirii depozitului;
•    depozitele la termen standard în LEI constituite prin I-B@nk cu prelungire automată se vor prelungi cu dobânda standard valabilă la data prelungirii depozitului.
Depozitele la termen standard în LEI constituite prin I-B@nk până la data de 15.07.2024,  beneficiază de bonusul de dobândă de 0.25% pana la data scadenței finale sau până la data primei prelungiri automate, în cazul în care sunt constituite cu opțiunea de prelungire automată.