• No Suggestions Result

Credit Card

Pay monthly administration fee, only 25 lei, instead of interest rate

Everything you need

No surprises

Instead of interest you pay a fix monthly fee of 25 Lei

Single limit

The card has one single limit 5000 Lei

Always in control

You decide your own reimbursement rhythm for the used amount

Relaxed shopping

Instead of interest, you pay a monthly administration fee of 25 Lei, regardless of the amount used.

You must reimburse at least 5% of the amount used monthly and in full the fees and commissions related to the use of the card.

This way, you decide the reymbursment rythm of the used amount, without additional interest costs.

25 Lei / month
  • Fees
    • 25 Lei / month
    • Minimum reimbursement amount 5% and integral taxes, fees and commissions

What you get

Mastercard credit card in LEI, with a single limit of 5,000 LEI
Up to 45 days (one and a half month) grace period for both merchant payments and cash withdrawals
If you need cash, you can withdraw the required amount from the ATM
You can request up to 2 additional cards for your loved ones

What you get

Mastercard credit card in LEI, with a single limit of 5,000 LEI
Up to 45 days (one and a half month) grace period for both merchant payments and cash withdrawals
If you need cash, you can withdraw the required amount from the ATM
You can request up to 2 additional cards for your loved ones

credit card
Credit Card
  • anywhere in the world, where the Mastercard logo is displayed, for payment at merchants (physical or online stores) or for cash withdrawals
  • Contactless card, so you can make quick payments
  • Înrolat în standardul de securitate 3D-Secure, pentru plăți online sigure. Puteți autoriza plățile direct de pe telefon cu ajutorul aplicației Card mToken.
Eligibility Criteria

Eligibility Criteria

Minimum age: 23 years
Maximum age at the time of credit expiration: 61 years with the status of employee
Minimum net income: 2000 LEI / month
Seniority in work: 3 months at the current employer and at least 12 continuous months in the last 2 years


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I've read the personal data protection notice available here - Personal data protection

Cards assistance

For more details about our offer, free support or to declare a lost/stolen card, please contact us at immediately at Info Card +4 0372.712.194 or Call Center 0800.800.888 (free of charge in any network), available 24/7.

Need help?

Customer support services available 24/24