Oportunități de carieră
De ce Intesa Sanpaolo Bank
De ce Intesa Sanpaolo Bank
Bazele afacerii noastre de succes sunt angajații noștri, care participă activ la dezvoltarea băncii. Pentru echipa Intesa Sanpaolo Bank, modul universal de realizare a unei cariere consta în munca eficienta, în realizarea obiectivelor, dezvoltarea continuă a competențelor, comportamentul managerial responsabil, acceptarea diversități, contribuția echipei și proactivitatea personala.
Procesul de recrutare
The foundations of our successful business are our employees, who actively take part in the modern development of the bank, and in creating constant changes. Intesa Sanpaolo Bank Romania, as an innovative and contemporary bank directed at internal development, provides an environment in which you can evolve in the direction you want. To us, the universal way of achieving a career is not a mystery: by efficient work, by goal completion, by the continuous development of competencies, by responsible managerial behaviour, by the acceptance of diversity, by team contribution and personal proactivity. All the prerequisites are there, you just need to put them to use. “The world is as interesting as we are curious”