Domestic and External Factoring

Various types of internal and external factoring, with or without taking over the risk of non-payment by the bank

Benefits for your business

Quick acces to liquidities

Turn bills with term payment into immediate liquidity

Better Costs

Obtain discounts from suppliers, by advance payment

Taking the risk of non-payment

For agreed debtors, without increase the degree of indebtedness


Intesa Sanpaolo Group was awarded as Export Factor of the Year during the 56th FCI Annual Meeting occurred in Seoul recently.

In addition, our Group reached the top steps of the podium as Export Factor and confirmed the 2nd place as Import&Export Factor of the year for Europe region.

Our membership in FCI, a unique network for cooperation in cross-border factoring, dates back in 1984 and our international presence has been developed over the years. Apart from the Italian headquarter, also the ISBD subsidiary banks VUB BANKA (Slovakia), PBZ (Croatia) and INTESA SANPAOLO BANK (Romania) are associate members of the FCI Network, and other ISBD subsidiaries' memberships are ongoing.

 This award represents a significant strengthening of ISP Group as a top player in Europe for Factoring solutions, playing a leading role that allowed us to keep and build very important business relationships, with special commitment of Intesa Sanpaolo's International Subsidiary Banks Division. Click here for more details. 


Domestic and External Factoring

Factoring is the ideal solution if you agree with your trading partners to pay you on time for the goods sold, and you want to obtain a solution that involves financing, managing receivables and taking over the default risk on those partners (optional).

How we will help your company?
- receivables to be cashed in on term are transformed into liquidities, without condition regarding the provision of guarantees or justification regarding the use;
- taking over the default risk for local borrowers without increasing the company's indebtedness;
- you can get discounts from suppliers if you pay them before maturity;
- you benefit from the debtor's assessment service, the monitoring of the receivables from the debtors;
- the bank provides access to the dedicated online system, through which you can view invoice status, generate reports and get real-time information.

In order to get an offer, a Factoring Application is required to provide information on:
- debtors proposed for factoring and their quality
- the number of bills to manage
- the turnover that will take place through factoring
- the type of factoring you are interested in.
Please note that VAT is applied to factoring costs and the bank will issue invoice for factoring costs and VAT is deductible, according to the rules in force.

If you are already our factioring client please acces de dedicated platform: Web factoring


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