SMS/e-mail alerts

Alerts for up to 10 accounts you want to monitor and have permanent access to.

Benefits for your business

Free of charge activation

Zero comision for activating and modifying the options


We let you know when transactions are made on your accounts


You can activate the service on any current account (RON, EUR, USD)

How does it work?

Do you want to be notified in real time about any changes in your account? SMS Alert gives you easy and quick access to transactions in current accounts and card accounts. How? Via your e-mail or mobile phone.

You can set up the service on any current account (RON, EUR, USD etc.) or even up to 10 accounts you want to monitor and have constant access to.

E-MAIL/SMS Alerts includes 20 e-mails/SMS per month, and you can set up your subscription:

  • Collections and payments – you get an alert when any payment collect or made is over the limit you set
  • Information on debit instruments (due to be paid, paid or denied)
  • Balance on your accounts (daily, weekly or monthly)
  • Information related to Direct Debit (amount to be paid, paid or denied)
  • Debit card transactions at ATM, POS and online
  • Information about your savings products

You can activate the subscription for any e-mail or national mobile number.

You’ll get the information on working days, Monday to Friday, from 09:00 to 18:00. The information on card transactions are sent at the time of transactions, 24/7.

When the 20 SMS covered by subscription is reached, the additional ones will be charged. This does not apply to e-mails.


Leave us your contact details and we will call you back!


I've read the personal data protection notice available here - Personal data protection


Customer support services available 24/24