Working capital

Credit facilities for your working capital.

Benefits for your business


Financing adapted to your needs

Specialized consultancy

Our specialists are available for you


You can choose Lei, Euro, USD but also multicurency

Tailored to your needs

  • For a specific need, you can choose the loan financing your working capital
  • You can choose the revolving credit line to have an amount available for any advantageous offer
  • If you have due invoices but you want payment before due date, you can access an invoice finance ceiling and thus since today you have access to the tomorrow’s financial resources

You can also refinance the existing facilities from other banks. Working capital loans are offered in Lei, Euro or USD, but also multi-currency.

working capital
You choose what you need
  • Loan to finance your working capital
  • Loan/ceiling for invoices finance, payment instruments and documents issued in relation to letters of credit
  • Revolving lines to finance your working capital
  • Overdraft


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