Internet Banking I-B@nk

The most secure and easiest banking is the one from your own device

Benefits for your business

Accesible on any device

All you need is a browser and Intesa M-Token application

Wherever, whenever

Permanent access to your accounts in maximum secure conditions

Quick and easy to use

You can make any payment you want without coming to the bank

Our Offer

What are the benefits of using I-B@nk?
• Speed and ease of administration
• Full control
• Reduced commissions compared to those applied at the bank's counter
• High security 
• Intra-bank transactions 24/7
• Easy to use

What operations can you perform through I-B@nk?
• Check the balance, foreign exchange rates, I-B@nk transaction, account statement and details of the products held;
• Interbank and intrabank payments in lei and foreign currency;
• Lei payments to beneficiaries with accounts opened at foreign banks;
• Multiple payments (transmission of intra / interbank payment files in a format agreed by the bank);
• You can perform utility payments;
• Open / close term deposits;
• Standing Order;
• Foreign exchange: foreign currency-foreign currency, foreign currency-lei.

What configuration options do you have in I-B@nk?
• You can define three types of users: Inputer (viewing and entering payment instructions), Authorizer (viewing and authorizing instructions), Administrator (full rights);
• You can set multiple signature rules (3 groups of signatures);
• You can restrict access to certain user-defined functionality;
• You can set account limits for each user to perform bank operations. 


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I've read the personal data protection notice available here - Personal data protection


Customer support services available 24/24