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    Internet Banking

    Choose the application you need

    Permanent acces to your money

    You are always in control

    You can see the last transactions or you can make payments

    Reduced Costs

    Smaller comision comparing with the one applied in the branch

    Wherever, whenever

    You can acces your account whenever, whenever you want

    Choose what application is good for you

    Depending on your needs, you can chose one of the two Internet Banking application.

    Internet Banking I-B@nk

    More benefits with I-B @ NK! Use the Internet Banking application and you have access to your accounts anywhere, anytime, in conditions of maximum safety!
    • All you need is a browser and Intesa M-Token application
    • Permanent access to your accounts in maximum secure conditions
    • You can make any payment you want without coming to the bank
    internet banking

    Internet Banking I-B@nk

    More benefits with I-B @ NK! Use the Internet Banking application and you have access to your accounts anywhere, anytime, in conditions of maximum safety!
    • You can make internal and external payment from any account
    • You can set up limits, per each account and per each user
    • You can set up limits, per each account and per each user
    internet-banking INBIZ

    Customer support services available 24/24