Current account

Join a bank whose international experience will help your business grow.

Benefits for your business

Wide range of deposits

Atractive interest rate for term or sight deposits

Adaptable to your activity

You can make a wide range of banking operations

Advantageous curency exchange

You can choose settlement date - today, tomorrow or spot

Our Offer

First step is to open a current account in Lei or foreign currency and you’ll enjoy a lot of benefits:

  • perform the full range of current banking transactions: cash deposit/ withdrawals, payments and receipts by payment orders and debit instruments
  • exchange currencies (e.g. sale-purchase of foreign currency against RON or foreign currency transactions settled for value today, tomorrow or spot)
  • a wide range of sight and terms deposits with attractive interest rates

Visit our branches to find out about other types of bank accounts: escrow accounts, performance bond deposits accounts.


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